@extends('Reports.template') @php $reportTitle = 'IP Bill Wise DC/DCR Report'; @endphp @section('title') {{ $reportTitle }} @endsection @section('ExternalCss') @parent @endsection @section('Content') @php $previous_ip_id = ''; $previous_dc_no = ''; $createdBy = ''; @endphp @foreach ($trnDetails as $key => $details) @if ($details->IPID != $previous_ip_id) @if ($reportType == 'D') @endif @endif @if ($details->DCNO != $previous_dc_no) @php $sr = 0; $items = explode('/', $details->DCNO); $type = $items[0]; $dc = $items[1]; @endphp @foreach ($headerDetails as $key => $header) @if ($header->trn_id == $dc && $header->trn_type == $type) @endif @endforeach @endif @if ($reportType == 'D') @endif @php $previous_ip_id = $details->IPID; $previous_dc_no = $details->DCNO; @endphp @endforeach @php $currentTime = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp
@if ($businessEntityMasterData[0]->logo != null) Pharmacy Logo @endif
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->name }}
{{ $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add1 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->add2 . ' ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->city . ' : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->pincode }}
{{ 'Phone : ' . $businessEntityMasterData[0]->tel1 }}
{{ $reportTitle . ' ' }} Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromDate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($toDate) }}
IP Bill No: {{ $details->IPBIll_no }} UH ID: {{ $details->UHID }} IP ID: {{ $details->IPID }} DOA: {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($details->admit_date) }}
IP Bill Date: {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($details->BILL_DT) }} Patient: {{ $details->Patient . " " . $details->patient_gender . "/" . $details->patient_age }} Admitting Doc: {{ $details->doctor_fname }} DOD: {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($details->discharge_date) }}
DC No DC Date Gross Disc Net Tax CGST SGST Invoice  R.Off  Net Amt Created By
Sr Medicine Name HSN Code Category P Size Batch Exp Qty MRP Disc% Disc Taxable GST% GST Amt Amount
{{ $header->trn_type . '/' . $header->trn_fyear . '/' . $header->trn_id }} {{ $header->trn_date }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->gross_total) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->discount) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->net_taxable_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->cgst_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->sgst_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->invoice_amt) }}  {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->round_off) }}  {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($header->total) }} {{ $header->created_by }}
{{ ++$sr }} {{ $details->product_name }} {{ $details->HSN_CODE }} {{ $details->CATEGORY }} {{ $details->Pack_size }} {{ $details->batch_no }} {{ \Helper::getMonthYearFromDate($details->batch_exp) }} {{ $details->QTY }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($details->MRP) }} {{ $details->disc_per }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($details->disc_amt) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($details->taxable_amt) }} {{ $details->GST_PERCENT }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($details->GST) }} {{ \Helper::customAmountFormat($details->total) }}
{{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }}

@php $grandtotalGrossAmt = $grandtotalDiscount = $grandtotalTaxable = $grandtotalCGST = $grandtotalSGST = $grandtotalInvoiceAmt = $grandtotalInvoiceAmt = $grandtotalNetAmount = 0; @endphp @foreach ($headerSummary as $headerKey => $headerValue) @php if($headerKey == "DC"){ $grandtotalGrossAmt += $headerValue["totalGrossAmount"]; $grandtotalDiscount += $headerValue["totalDiscount"]; $grandtotalTaxable += $headerValue["totalTaxable"]; $grandtotalCGST += $headerValue["totalCGST"]; $grandtotalSGST += $headerValue["totalSGST"]; $grandtotalInvoiceAmt += $headerValue["totalInvoiceAmt"]; $grandtotalNetAmount += $headerValue["totalNetAmount"]; } else { $grandtotalGrossAmt -= $headerValue["totalGrossAmount"]; $grandtotalDiscount -= $headerValue["totalDiscount"]; $grandtotalTaxable -= $headerValue["totalTaxable"]; $grandtotalCGST -= $headerValue["totalCGST"]; $grandtotalSGST -= $headerValue["totalSGST"]; $grandtotalInvoiceAmt -= $headerValue["totalInvoiceAmt"]; $grandtotalNetAmount -= $headerValue["totalNetAmount"]; } @endphp @endforeach @php $currentTime = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp
IP Bill Wise DC/DCR Report Summary Period : {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($fromDate) }} TO {{ \Helper::getDisplayDate($toDate) }}
Trn Type Gross Amount Discount Taxable CGST SGST Invoice Amt Net Amt
{{ $headerKey }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalGrossAmount"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalDiscount"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalTaxable"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalCGST"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalSGST"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalInvoiceAmt"], 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $headerValue["totalNetAmount"], 2) }}
Total : {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalGrossAmt, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalDiscount, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalTaxable, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalCGST, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalSGST, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalInvoiceAmt, 2) }} {{ number_format((float) $grandtotalNetAmount, 2) }}
{{ Config::get('constants.asterisk.WALK_CUST') }}, ✱{{ 'Credit Bill' }} {{ strtoupper(Session::get('userId')) . ' # ' . $currentTime->format('d/m/Y H:i:s ') }}
@endsection @section('BootstrapModals') @endsection @section('ExternalJs') @endsection